Monthly Archives: December 2016

Tools To Delete Fake Twitter Followers

All the social media networks face a same kind of problem that is of fake accounts which is very common in Twitter. Most of the people will also have fake followers that can be really disturbing. There are various affects of having fake followers in Twitter which includes reduce engagement, limit your account stream, make it spam and even get your social media account deleted. So how to tackle the fake followers in your social media account, it is really simple you have to delete them. It is not easy to remove the fake followers one by one, so you can use tools available especially for this purpose. It is better to refer manually before deleting the followers in Twitter even after using one of these tools.

1. Fakefollowers- This is one of the tool that is available for free to remove the fake followers in Twitter. It will check at least 100 followers of your account randomly and the account that has not tweeted for past three months will be marked as inactive. To use this tool just enter Twitter handle and select the option click. Then you can see a complete analysis of the Twitter account followers. You will get a detailed report about the Twitter accounts that follow you back and it is easy to block them with a simple button. This tool is available for free and you can check at least ten times in a day.

2. TwitterAudit- This tool selects up to 5,000 followers in your Twitter account and you will see the score for each account of your followers along with the information about their tweets. To use this tool enter a name in search box before selecting the option audit. You will get a detailed report about your followers along with the audit score of real followers. It is available in two versions such as basic and pro. By using the basic version you can only see the scores of your followers. With the pro version you can block followers, re-audit the account and even hide the audit.

3. Fakers App- It is the best tool to select the fake Twitter accounts. You can use this tool to see the number of fake accounts that follow you in Twitter. You must authorize this tool to enter into the Twitter account and within few minutes you will get a complete report of the followers. It is possible to see the follower’s details after getting the report. This tool is available in three different versions such as free, basic and premium. With free account you will have unlimited checks related to Twitter handle and just 8 free searches. With basic account you will have unlimited searches along with advanced analytics that can be used to manually block all the fake accounts. It also allows you to track about 5 friends in Twitter. With premium account, it is possible to auto-block the entire fake accounts on Twitter and even track about 15 friends.