Monthly Archives: March 2013

The Viral Effect of Tweeting The Game

In the previous or last topic that I have discussed to you right now, it was all about tweeting the game that you have just recently played like no other. If you do not like the fangs that are being taken out from your mouth, I would simply let you know how important this is to us and to the rest of the Twitter marketers out there like no other. If you are going to be ready for the next topic that I will be discussing right now, then so be it. I have just mentioned last time that tweeting the game that we play right now may cause a viral effect.

But how the hell that it will cause an effect that may go viral as of this moment. Oh well, I think it is time for us to get started with this one, once and for all! For example, if you have just finished a game on World of Warcraft and capturing your own screen, you will be saving it as a JPEG file and post it to your own landing page where you can store the image. After that, you may need to share it to your own followers on Twitter and see the results that you wanted to expect.

Just let the viral effect come into the flow, as your own Twitter followers may try to share it to their own Twitter followers as well. The more they are going to share it, the more you are going to receive some clicks, impressions, and possible sales or leads.

Tweeting The Game You Just Played

To all of the readers out here who buy Twitter followers, it is a deep honor and privilege to welcome you into my own Twitter marketing blog. Without further ado, my blog’s name is TwiNext, and this is one of the most respected blogs that talks mostly on Twitter and anything that is related to it. It is also a pleasure that I will now be sharing something that will make you feel attracted more than ever, and this is going to be a lot of fun. To tell you the whole truth about it, I have already done this to few of my gaming niche Twitter accounts with so many followers.

For now, I will be talking about tweeting the game that you have just recently played. What are those games that are being commonly tweeted by now? So far, I would really think that three of these games are already been tweeted every single day, no more doubt about it. Would you like to know those games that I have been tweeted lately? The games that I have been tweeting for my gaming niche Twitter accounts are World of Warcraft, League of Legends and DOTA 2. Simple as that!

Why should we tweet our own recent game? For me, I think it is because we want to get our own Twitter accounts updated, and the followers may keep following the accounts that we have right now. As a result, it may cause a huge viral effect towards the Twitter followers being generated to your account.